Happy Monday! For some of us we have been enjoying a holiday full of days off and probably have the joy of returning back to work today! Then for those like me, we spent the holidays working our butts off and are glad to be seeing some type of schedule normalcy returning. I hope everyone enjoyed their New Year and was able to set some great intentions for the year, as well as begin their goal setting. I usually set my goals for about 30-90 days. This allows me to see some type of return in a short amount of time and gives me that extra push to do more and accomplish more, or reevaluate what I am actually striving to reach.
I am well into my prayer challenge and although I will not be blogging daily for this challenge, I did want to hit particular topics that resonated with me. My intention this year when it came to my relationship with God is to really die to self and allow him to move through me more. When I started this challenge back in December, I found that as I gave God more of myself barriers were broken and my approach to life became a little more simplistic.
The truth is that God wants us to devote ourselves to Him and then amazing things will happen. Now, I don't want you mislead you and make it seem as if there were nothing but rainbows and butterflies in my life the last month. Yet, as challenges were swung my way, I was able to effectively handle them without feeling like my life was ending. Every night as I circled various topics in my life that were somewhat overwhelming, I saw God begin to expose and close off those things as if he had put out an executive order and said "No more!"
A couple of things happened, such as my ex fraudulently reporting my engagement ring stolen, which I had been told was a gift, placing me in the position to have something in my possession that was no longer of value financially or emotionally. Next, a vehicle that I had placed in my name, but was under the possession of my ex, was all of a sudden dropped in my lap in an unexpected plot twist. Again, something I was totally not expecting, a car payment I was mentally prepared for and we also had a written agreement saying that the vehicle would be purchased, paid for and out of my name by January 2016. Oh yeah, did I mention this was the holidays.
Well, had those things happened in October, there is no doubt I would have been sent over the edge, probably done some self mutilation and dropped into a depression. BUT GOD! Honestly, BUT GOD! God wants nothing but the best for us, He simply wants us to dedicate ourselves to him, so that we can be open to all of his blessings.
Can I mention that in December I was coming off of Zoloft, a process of weaning I had already started early November and that I had taken on 2 full time jobs, as well as a part-time job. This was a period where my anxiety should have been at an all time high, but because I chose God and I chose to consecrate myself in Him, I made it through those challenges. So, I leave that with you all, "The more we give God, the more we have, and the more we become."
There are amazing things within your reach if you give God the time. This prayer challenge isn't about me seeing amazing results of things I wanted in the end, but more so about me reconnecting with God allowing Him to give more of Himself to me. Join me in this prayer challenge and feel free to comment on testimonies or things you are circling in your prayer life.
This blog started about my journey with depression, but is now evolving more into how I have dealt with my depression with God's assistance. And let me mention, although I still have heavy days, they have been few and far between. I currently only take Klonopin for situational anxiety, but I have been putting a lot of energy into more "natural remedies" which I would love to share in another blog . Yet for anyone still really in the eye of the storm with their struggle with depression, I circle you in prayer. I pray that you are able to find the strength in God to face each day and pass those burdens to Him. I remember being "in it" and it seemed so difficult to imagine a world where I could not be depressed, but the intentional mindset I have had to maintain, along with my relationship with God has taken me so far.
Please visit the Lovelee Motivation Facebook Page or Lovelee Motivation IG page to receive daily motivations, inspirations and also to see the daily Prayer Challenge topic!
P.S. If you are not in immediate danger because of thoughts of suicide, but need someone to talk with about your suicidal feelings, please do not hesitate to call one of the following national suicide prevention lines: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) or 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255).
Hello, my name is Sharonda, recovering perfectionist, photographer, single mother of 3, that truly loves God! This blog was created initially to chronicle my journey through my battle with depression. Yet, it has evolved to be a place where I share my life journey in space of transparency and vulnerability, with sprinkles of God's Love. The Lovelee Motivation community is one of love, beauty, motivation and encouragement. Participate at your own risk...it could possibly lead to growth.
Monday, January 4, 2016
Friday, January 1, 2016
Happy New Year!!! I'm Back...
Hey people! So, I had to take a much needed hiatus, because I simply took on way too much 4th quarter. I was working 2 full-time jobs, helping someone with their social media for their business and something had to take a back seat. Unfortunately, it was this blog. I wrote a few blogs during that time, but I didn't post them because I felt they were just driven to strongly by emotion and exhaustion. In my case when those 2 elements collided, I felt they almost launched an attack on what I was dealing with at the time. The end result of the blog didn't sit well with me.
So, here we are in 2016 and I would love to set some intentions on this blog for the new year! Um, last year when I started this blog I was on on my way out of a very deep depression. I wasn't really sure how to approach, but I wanted, at least thought I did, to blog through it. My issue, that I didn't want to "sit in it." Therefore, I really get as deep as I needed to last year with my depression, because I was afraid it would make stay there...all the analyzing. I do want to share that story though, and I am going to do that this year.
In the last 3 months I came off of Zoloft. I was really depressed, I dug in deep with God and battled the hell out of it, and in the last month have worked so hard on developing a strong, fervent prayer life. So, with that being said, I will be taking you through the book I actually started in December and have restarted for this blog and my IG feed. When I started this prayer challenge in the beginning of December I actually started it alone, but I now have one of my really good friends doing the challenge with me. Just in the few days we have dedicated to it, our conversations have been so fulfilling and I've been so transparent.
In my blog this year, I am pushing towards more transparency and I want to touch at least 2000 individuals with my blog. I don't know how, that's for God to figure out, but I am going to do the work to make it happen! The book I am reading is called Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge. It would be great for you to join me on this journey and draw some circles around things in your life!
I hope today was an awesome first day of the year for you! Remember to set some intentions for the year, not goals, INTENTIONS. The goals come next, but lay out some really amazing, BIG things you would like to happen this year, don't try to figure out how it will happen, just know that you want it to happen. Happy 2016!
Please visit the Lovelee Motivation Facebook Page or Lovelee Motivation IG page to receive daily motivations and inspiration.
P.S. If you are not in immediate danger because of thoughts of suicide, but need someone to talk with about your suicidal feelings, please do not hesitate to call one of the following national suicide prevention lines: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) or 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255).
So, here we are in 2016 and I would love to set some intentions on this blog for the new year! Um, last year when I started this blog I was on on my way out of a very deep depression. I wasn't really sure how to approach, but I wanted, at least thought I did, to blog through it. My issue, that I didn't want to "sit in it." Therefore, I really get as deep as I needed to last year with my depression, because I was afraid it would make stay there...all the analyzing. I do want to share that story though, and I am going to do that this year.
In the last 3 months I came off of Zoloft. I was really depressed, I dug in deep with God and battled the hell out of it, and in the last month have worked so hard on developing a strong, fervent prayer life. So, with that being said, I will be taking you through the book I actually started in December and have restarted for this blog and my IG feed. When I started this prayer challenge in the beginning of December I actually started it alone, but I now have one of my really good friends doing the challenge with me. Just in the few days we have dedicated to it, our conversations have been so fulfilling and I've been so transparent.
In my blog this year, I am pushing towards more transparency and I want to touch at least 2000 individuals with my blog. I don't know how, that's for God to figure out, but I am going to do the work to make it happen! The book I am reading is called Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge. It would be great for you to join me on this journey and draw some circles around things in your life!
I hope today was an awesome first day of the year for you! Remember to set some intentions for the year, not goals, INTENTIONS. The goals come next, but lay out some really amazing, BIG things you would like to happen this year, don't try to figure out how it will happen, just know that you want it to happen. Happy 2016!
Please visit the Lovelee Motivation Facebook Page or Lovelee Motivation IG page to receive daily motivations and inspiration.
P.S. If you are not in immediate danger because of thoughts of suicide, but need someone to talk with about your suicidal feelings, please do not hesitate to call one of the following national suicide prevention lines: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) or 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255).
Fervent Prayer,
Happy 2016,
Happy New Year,
Pray Circles,
Setting Goals
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