Normally I would have really mentally badgered myself over not blogging and starting this process and not being consistent, but I became the Honey Badger (A.D.D. moment where you can meet the Honey badger) and basically didn't care about anything but myself. I trusted what was right for me and whether I would best serve you in a frazzled, overwhelmed, completely exhausted state. That's part of this process of overcoming depression for me, being confident in the decisions I make and ensuring that I am treating myself with grace and love.
During depression, that is often something we neglect doing. We really beat ourselves up and get in a mode of identifying negatives and areas that we feel we have failed. Yet, as I am being more graceful with myself I took this 2 weeks to really appreciate and be grateful for how well I cared about myself. Yes, I had moments of disappointment with taking on so much and not being able to perfect my time management, but I dug deep to redirect that thinking. And sometimes the easiest thing to do in the evenings, when I found myself completely upset that I hadn't accomplished something, was throw in the towel and go to bed! It's not always bad to throw in the towel. Throwing in the towel can also be an expression of love to your body!! And an expression of divine love, is actually grace.
So, this is a short blog as I get back in the routine of things. A matter of fact, after I post this blog, one of the things on my list is really developing my routine including my added responsibilities I have taken on this quarter. But just remember to listen to your body. We are moving into the holiday season where we all push ourselves too much in an effort to do for others. That's all well in good, but don't allow your mind to push you into overdrive and into a negative mindset when you just can't do it all!! We don't have to do it all, we don't have to be perfect. We just need to hold ourselves to a standard of grace!!
Please visit the Lovelee Motivation Facebook Page or Lovelee Motivation IG page to receive daily motivations and inspiration.
P.S. If you are not in immediate danger because of thoughts of suicide, but need someone to talk with about your suicidal feelings, please do not hesitate to call one of the following national suicide prevention lines: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) or 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255).