Saturday, August 20, 2016

Consistency Challenge Reboot #Dr Sims #ConsistencyChallenge

Long time no blog!!! So, I will keep this short, because it's rather late and I didn't plan to blog at 1 a.m. on a Saturday, but hey when God encourages you to do something you should do it! "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but an habit." Monday I started a consistency challenge, because I needed to sleep people. I was CONSISTENTLY starving myself of rest and my body was suffering. When your body suffers your mind suffers, your behavior suffers, your commitment suffers, your productivity, your creativity. I just needed a reboot!

So, with the encouragement of my Life Coach Dr. Walter Sims I chose to be in bed by 10 p.m. every night, read a small devotion, followed by sleep by 10:30. I did that until today, which was a bit intentional. I can actually work late on Friday nights because I don't have to wake up at 4 a.m. to get to work by 6 a.m.. With all that being said, consistency has truly resonated with me these past 5 days. What I found was in an effort to be consistent I was really restrictive of my schedule and my time and what got my focus. I also allowed myself to not do it all. It was a true moment of self love and I felt it. I really felt the difference. 

Take the challenge, pick ONE THING, that you will do consistently for 7 days. I know, I know, the rule of thumb is it takes 21 days to create a habit, but just start with 7. And can I just say, sleep was my focus, but it turned into devotion, time with God, creating beautiful image quotes for Lovelee Motivation again, all from sleep! So, don't get caught up with "I only picked one thing, I need to do 3." I can promise you that one thing, will catapult into more and you will take a step back and see that it wasn't just ONE THING! It's Saturday, do this ONE THING for yourself. Lol. Love yourself and be consistent. 

Enjoy your weekend! Hopefully with consistency I will be back with more eventful blogs in the coming days. 

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