Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sharing Gifts Can be NERVE WRECKING!!!

Lovelee Motivation - Sharing Gifts Blog
Use your God-given gifts to serve others (1 Peter 4:10)
Wow, my second post! I'm going to be really authentic in this moment, but at the same time control my mindset in this moment. So, I have backspaced like 2 times, because I wanted to say "I am not a blogger, not a naturally vulnerable person, not normally an open book." But that kind of contradicts what's happening here, and the shift I am trying to make and the service I am trying to provide in this journey. I am writing this blog on Saturday night and I intend to launch this blog on Facebook and IG on Sunday, October 18th around noon. I am so nauseous!!! A matter of fact, only my best friend has read my first post, and she of course loved it, because she's my best friend and that's part of her job description "Encourage Sharonda during challenging moments, tell her nothing but good things, then snatch the rug from under her about 2-3 business days later regarding areas of improvement."

Why am I nervous? Because, I am normally very reserved and meticulous and I remember writing in my journal a couple weeks ago, that I went to "Perfectionist Prison" in middle school and I have just been released on parole in the last month. Lol. Perfectionism usually leaves you really guarded. Now people will know that I was depressed and I've battled depression for a long time and currently dealing with it. Because based on Facebook they wouldn't think that. Then I think about people that I have worked and how I always came across very "tightly wound." I am making every attempt not to call myself the B-word here, embrace it. Really I was just a shy person, extremely insecure and afraid of rejection.

Well, now I have to face all of that, leaving room for judgment. As I move through this blog, I'll have to face my relationship woes and my experiences in being in abusive relationships and not loving myself. Those are things I don't think anyone would expect.

I guess I know why I'm nervous, because people are about to meet me and the reality of my situation and my life. Yeah...I'm leaning in. I believe when something is placed on your heart and you don't act on it, you are doing yourself a disservice and being selfish.

Is there something you aren't acting on? A gift you are keeping to yourself and not sharing with the world? God, the universe, however you choose to frame it. I am a Christian, so I serve God. God doesn't provide us with gifts to hold hostage. So go ahead, Share Your Gift! It can be life changing. I'm curious to see where this will take me!

Please visit the Lovelee Motivation Facebook Page to receive daily motivations and inspiration.

P.S. If you are not in immediate danger because of thoughts of suicide, but need someone to talk with about your suicidal feelings, please do not hesitate to call one of the following national suicide prevention lines: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) or 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255).

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